^^KNIGHT-MAN^^ Is A Blog For All People Have Fun

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


1. Setiap tahun diproduksi 14 miliar batang pensil di seluruh dunia. Yang terbanyak di Amerika Serikat (2 miliar batang). Jika semua pensil itu digunakan untuk membuat garis, akan tercipta 64 garis keliling dunia.
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7 mitos penyebab gemuk

Jangan Minum Susu kalau Mau Kurus
Tubuh kita membutuhkan protein, vitamin (A dan D), mineral, 
dan suplai energi yang terkandung di dalam susu. Susu juga amat baik karena kandungan kalsium yang tinggi (116-290 mg kalsium per 100 gram susu). Kekurangan kalsium akan membuat Anda rentan terserang osteoporosis dan kekurangan produksi hormon yang bisa membantu mengurai lemak di dalam tubuh.

Tip: Minumlah susu 1-2 kali sehari. Perempuan berusia di bawah 30 tahun masih boleh mengonsumsi susu full cream. Susu low fat ataupun nonfat adalah pilihan terbaik bagi yang usianya di atas 30 tahun.
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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

File Size: 15MB
MyVideoConverter - Dapat mengkonversi semua format video populer seperti mengkonversi AVI ke FLV, WMV ke MP4, WMV ke AVI, MOV ke AVI, MP4 ke FLV, DVD ke AVI, MPEG ke 3GP, mengkonversi file FLV ke format iPod, dll.  MyVideoConverter juga mendukung splitting dan joining video seperti  AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, VOB (format video yang digunakan dalam DVD), DAT (format video yang digunakan dalam VCD, SVCD), dll.

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Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

ini gratIs cuma untuk pengikut setia knight man

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saya hanya ingin memberi sesuatu

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File Size: 340MB
Corel Painter - Kira-kira sebulan yang lalu saya pernah membahas software ini, dan berhubung link versi sebelumnya sudah terhapus jadi silahkan cek yang versi ini. Buat teman-teman yang hobi melukis dengan komputer harus mencoba kemampuan software ini, Corel Painter adalah software digital painter semua yang dibutuhkan dalam melukis sudah tersedia seperti kuas, tekstur kertas, cat, minyak, cat air dan lain-lain.
Click on image to enlarge
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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

information monster hunter

 Makes - Immunizer, Power juice, Demondrug, Armorskin, 
 Spiked Hammer (5)
 Combination - Bitterbug and Honey
 Makes - Various Auroros / Borealis / Genesis / Glyph armor, 
 Fire Dragonsword (5), Red Dragonsword (5), Rampart (1), Master Blade (1)
 Reward - Gather 3 herbivore eggs (Offline 4* and pre HR13 online), powderstone,
 Use - Increases users attack power
 Makes - Mega Demondrug, Black Katana Mk.1 (1), Finblade+ (1), 
 Aqua Spear+ (1), Lullaby Spear (2), Bone Scthe+ (1), Cutlass (5),
 Red Tail+ (1), 
 Combination - Catalyst and Power Seed

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information combination

I  |  %  | Combined Item   |Rar| Material 1          | Material 2            |
 1  | 95% | Potion          | 1 | Herb                | Blue Mushroom         |
 2  | 90% | Mega Potion     | 2 | (#1) Potion         | Honey                 |
 3  | 90% | Nutrients       | 2 | Blue Mushroom       | Godbug                |
 4  | 75% | Mega Nutrients  | 3 | (#3) Nutrients      | Honey                 |
 5  | 95% | Antidote        | 1 | Antidote Herb       | Blue Mushroom         |
 6  | 90% | Herbal Medicine | 2 | Cactus Flower       | Bitterbug             |
 7  | 65% | Max Potion      | 3 | (#4) Mega Nutrients | Dragon Toadstool      |
 8  | 55% | Ancient Potion  | 5 | (#10) Immunizer     | Kelbi Horn            |
 9  | 75% | Catalyst        | 2 | Bitterbug           | Honey                 |
 10 | 75% | Immunizer       | 3 | (#9) Catalyst       | Dragon Toadstool      |
 11 | 75% | Power Juice     | 2 | (#9) Catalyst       | Rare Steak            |
 12 | 65% | Mega Juice      | 3 | Well-Done Steak     | Power Extract         |
 13 | 65% | Demondrug       | 4 | (#9) Catalyst       | Power Seed            |
 14 | 55% | Mega Demondrug  | 5 | (#13) Demondrug     | Pale Extract          |
 15 | 65% | Armorskin       | 4 | (#9) Catalyst       | Armor Seed            |
 16 | 55% | Mega Armorskin  | 5 | (#15)Armorskin      | Pale Extract          |
 17 | 90% | Poisoned Meat   | 1 | Raw Meat            | Toadstool             |
 18 | 90% | Tainted Meat    | 2 | Raw Meat            | Stunshroom            |
 19 | 90% | Drugged Meat    | 1 | Raw Meat            | Sleep Herb            |
 20 | 95% | Bomb Material   | 1 | Sap Plant           | Stone                 |
 21 | 75% | Smoke Bomb      | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Ivy                   |
 22 | 75% | Flash Bomb      | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Flashbug              |
 23 | 75% | Dung Bomb       | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Dung                  |
 24 | 95% | Paintball       | 1 | Sap Plant           | Paintberry            |
 25 | 95% | Gunpowder       | 2 | Fire Herb           | Nitroshroom           |
 26 | 90% | Sm Barrel-Bomb  | 2 | Small Barrel        | Fire Herb             |
 27 | 75% | Lg Barrel-Bomb  | 3 | (#25) Gunpowder     | Large Barrel          |
 28 | 75% | Sonic Bomb      | 2 | (#25) Gunpowder     | Screamer              |
 29 | 90% | Net             | 2 | Spiderweb           | Ivy                   |
 30 | 65% | Pitfall Trap    | 3 | (#29) Net           | Trap Tool             |
 31 | 95% | Tuna Bait       | 2 | Worm                | Yambug                |
 32 | 95% | Arrowana Bait   | 2 | Cricket             | Bughopper             |
 33 | 90% | Goldenfish Bait | 4 | Firefly             | Snakebee Larva        |
 34 | 75% | Antiseptic Stone| 3 | Earth Crystal       | Bitterbug             |
 35 | 90% | Lifecrystals    | 3 | Godbug              | Wyvern Fang           |
 36 | 65% | Lifepowder      | 4 | (#35) Lifecrystals  | Wyvern Claw           |
 37 | 65% | Health Flute    | 4 | (#36) Lifepowder    | Flute                 |
 38 | 65% | Antidote Flute  | 4 | Flute               | (#34) Antiseptic Stone|
 39 | 55% | Demon Flute     | 5 | (#14) Mega Demondrug| Med Monster Bone      |
 40 | 55% | Armor Flute     | 5 | (#16) Mega Armorskin| Med Monster Bone      |
 41 | 95% | Normal S Lv2    | 1 | Huskberry           | Needleberry           |
 42 | 95% | Normal S Lv3    | 2 | Huskberry           | Rumblefish            |
 43 | 90% | Pierce S Lv1    | 2 | Huskberry           | Velociprey Fang       |
 44 | 75% | Pierce S Lv2    | 2 | Huskberry           | Pin Tuna              |
 45 | 75% | Pierce S Lv3    | 3 | Sm Bone Husk        | Pin Tuna              |
 46 | 90% | Pellet S Lv1    | 2 | Huskberry           | Scatternut            |
 47 | 75% | Pellet S Lv2    | 2 | Huskberry           | Wyvern Fang           |
 48 | 75% | Pellet S Lv3    | 3 | Sm Bone Husk        | Wyvern Fang           |
 49 | 90% | Crag S Lv1      | 3 | Huskberry           | Burst Arrowana        |
 50 | 90% | Crag S Lv2      | 3 | Sm Bone Husk        | Burst Arrowana        |
 51 | 95% | Crag S Lv3      | 3 | Lg Bone Husk        | Bomb Arrowana         |
 52 | 90% | Clust S Lv1     | 2 | Huskberry           | Bomberry              |
 53 | 75% | Clust S Lv2     | 3 | Sm Bone Husk        | Wyvern Claw           |
 54 | 95% | Clust S Lv3     | 3 | Lg Bone Husk        | Scatterfish           |
 55 | 75% | Disk S          | 2 | Huskberry           | Disk Stone            |
 56 | 90% | Recov S Lv1     | 1 | Herb                | Huskberry             |
 57 | 90% | Recov S Lv2     | 2 | (#1) Potion         | Huskberry             |
 58 | 90% | Poison S Lv1    | 2 | Toadstool           | Huskberry             |
 59 | 75% | Poison S Lv2    | 3 | Sm Bone Husk        | Ioprey Fang           |
 60 | 90% | Stun S Lv1      | 3 | Stunshroom          | Huskberry             |
 61 | 90% | Stun S Lv2      | 4 | Sm Bone Husk        | Genprey Fang          |
 62 | 90% | Sleep S Lv1     | 3 | Sleep Herb          | Huskberry             |
 63 | 75% | Sleep S Lv2     | 4 | Sleepyfish          | Sm Bone Husk          |
 64 | 90% | Paint S         | 1 | Paintberry          | Huskberry             |
 65 | 90% | Antidote S      | 2 | Antidote Herb       | Huskberry             |
 66 | 75% | Demon S         | 3 | Huskberry           | Power Seed            |
 67 | 75% | Armor S         | 3 | Huskberry           | Armor Seed            |
 68 | 75% | Dragon S        | 5 | Dragon Seed         | Lg Bone Husk          |
 69 | 75% | Dung S          | 1 | Dung                | Huskberry             |
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